Tuesday, February 2, 2016

PlayCanvas Competition - I'm in!

One day late to post this, shame on me.

PLAYHACK with PlayJam competition link:


So this is quite a distraction, and will delay Chapter 2 of Mothrina.  I had gone back and fourth yesterday about it, since I really want to get the more polished engine done.  But I think I'll try for it.

The publicity and practice will certainly help, and the pressure of the contest will help me to "break in" my new home's "office" space.  The prize would be nice but I think I need to be a bit realistic and say that with no mobile games under my belt yet, I doubt I can really pull off a winning entry.  Hey, I can dream. :p

Mothrina Chapter 2 is currently in a bit of a bog down while I try getting an editor built using Multimedia Fusion 2.5 and the Mothrina Engine v2 "talking" in the same file structures.  When I get that all working, I'll have a guide to setting it all up here on the blog.  I actually have a draft but it's not ready for publishing as I have since discovered several better ways of doing things along the way.

PlayCanvas in general seems like a pretty fun tool so far.  Not sure how it stacks up professionally, but I've been having fun building the basics of my contest game concept today.  Nothing ready for publishing just yet on my contest entry.  I intend to publish a Work In Progress on PlayCanvas as soon as I have something remotely playable.

Part of the contest is to keep a regular dev blog on PlayCanvas during the development of your game, so the actual game updates will be over there.  I don't want to keep up with cross posting here.  The dev blog will be open as soon as I publish a version of the game, so for now there is no link I can hand you.  But I will be sure to post the link to this blog once I've got that started.

Anyway, super excited to be attempting this and learning yet another toolkit.  I'm sure I'll have a much better idea how PlayCanvas all works after the contest deadline passes.

Wish me luck!  And if you are entering as well, I wish you the same! :D