Just a quick note to my followers(yes, all 2 of you, see, you're so special!).
I've got a part time job now, which means money for me. Of course, this also means even less time to update the blog.
I do have days off however, and I certainly have not stopped gaming, or making games(the progress of the latter has slowed considerably more then the former due to lack of energy).
I simply have been a bit lacking on the time/energy(especally the latter) needed to write up proper content for this blog. Been a rough couple of first weeks.
Just thought I'd post something so you don't think I've abandoned Gawain Games. This is still going, and I will still be reviewing and playing games.
I probably won't have time to write/play till later this week, but I've recently bought Trackmania 2:Canyon, which is still in multiplayer beta mode. A full preview of what buying the rather steep entry earns you will be coming once I get the chance to properly plow through it all myself.
Off to bed for now, got more work tomorrow. Till then, this is Gawain signing off.