Hello everyone!
This has been a long time coming. I will not be regularly writing on here for the foreseeable long-term future. I'll leave my posts up for the archivers out there.
One last update for now, on just about everything. TLDR: I'm fine, everything is rolling along, go check my latest indie games out at https://darkgriffin.itch.io/ and check out the humble beginnings of a video game company I'm starting at https://moonbow-ent.com Details and post mortem of the blog is after the break.
I'm moving on to start my own game company now! We are Moonbow Entertainment, and we provide Emotional Relief through Video Games.
You can follow our company at the following site: https://moonbow-ent.com
At the time of this writing there isn't much there besides a mockup image and some vague feature descriptions. Behind the scenes a game is cooking one piece at a time.
We have big plans for the company and creating some neat projects, so I hope we can bump into you in gaming land in the future as we shift gears into doing this professionally for real! I'm sure this post will look really funny years from now if blogger is still around. To future me, sorry for the embarrassment.
I've mostly moved my indie game making adventures over to my page at itch.io. You can follow me on there to see my new releases. https://darkgriffin.itch.io/ Yes, I still do indie projects too, and game jams! I'm addicted to making all the things move on a screen to entertain people. I'd ask you to send help, but I would probably tell you in a video game form with some kind of addictive game loop. They told me this might take over my life and boy they were right. I love it!
As for this blogger thing, mine never really paid out for the time pushed into it. I'm also past the point in my life where I needed the emotional outlet and have better (less public, more mature) ways to cope with events.
I think in hindsight, the fact I tried to do both my personal game/job journey and some public help posts, some reviews, and some event commentary all kind of blended the content into a big mess. That left a lot of visitors confused and lost among the sea of random content, so I never got the followers I really need to justify writing my posts. I also spent way too long editing posts, which is why I haven't been able to revive the blog since...2018? Yikes.
If a blog channel from me ever comes back, I will try to focus on perhaps aspects of game design theory, or other narrower fields, to keep the feed more useful to others. For goodness sakes, my highest viewed post is an outdated guide to "fixing models in the video game Garry's mod". (Before you message me about it, I know the technique there doesn't work reliably in the latest version of that game. I haven't played since that post was written, and Garry is a beast that just keeps updating the way things work, lol!) I was trying to run a game designer blog, and this has landed far away from that target. It's just cleaner to start all over without these old posts/topics clogging things up.
Anyway, it's been a fun ride. I just wanted to put one final post here for you all instead of just 'ghosting' the blog.
See you elsewhere on the net or planet earth, and may luck always be on your side in your own journeys!