Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A couple of new tabs for the blog

I've made a few changes to this blog.  Some people have been eagerly following my reviews of games(thanks so much for letting me know you've been reading them, it means a lot to me!)

The new page tabs are a master list of reviews, and a suggestions page with my contact info on it.

The master list contains all the reviews or mentions of games I think would be worth reading over if you are researching a potential game.  Since they are all in 1 list, it saves you from having to dig through my old posts to find the game mention you are looking up.

The suggestions page lets you know what gaming systems I can review stuff on, and provides a way to contact me suggesting games you want me to check out.

I hope this will make the information much easier to find, and help both you and me in keeping track of it.  If something is wonky or you have suggestions how else I can make this better, I'm open to hear them.


Gawain Doell